What's New

Aug 8, 2004

Did Muller get out of the pyramid? Ibrahim Halim <monotoilet@yahoo.co.in> found this car plate (456K) from Wisconsin. Wait until that appears on eBay.

May 1, 2004

Winston Churchill <agent_c1874@yahoo.com> writes concerning a possible seventh ending. See Multiple Endings section for details.

Apr 10, 2004

Peter Swanke <pswanke@hotmail.com> writes concerning the Red Velvet Bag. See The Red Velvet Bag section for details.

Apr 4, 2004

Added the Demo Version A1 section to Facts and Puzzling Things About...

Mar 17, 2004

An interesting news item from Reuters mentioned on in a Story forum post about a mysterious pyramid in South American. Here's the full text courtesy of Reuters news agency:

Space Dust to Unlock Mexican Pyramid Secrets

Tue Mar 16,10:44 AM ET

By Alistair Bell 

TEOTIHUACAN, Mexico (Reuters) - Remnants of space dust that constantly showers
the world are helping unlock the secrets of a 2,000-year-old Mexican pyramid where the
rulers of a mysterious civilization may lie buried. 

Deep under the huge Pyramid of the Sun north of Mexico
City, physicists are installing a device to detect muons,
sub-atomic particles left over when cosmic rays hit Earth. 

The particles pass through solid objects, leaving tiny
traces which the detector will measure, like an X-ray
machine, in a search for burial chambers inside the

Since there are fewer muons in an empty space than in
solid rock or earth, scientists will be able to spot any holes
inside the pyramid, a sacred site in the city of
Teotihuacan, which rose and fell around the same time
as ancient Rome. 

"If we detect an area where there is less density than
expected, that gives us an indication that there is
probably a hole there," said Arturo Menchaca, head of
the National Autonomous University's physics institute. 

Archeologists would then likely tunnel into the pyramid in
the hope of finding a burial chamber and solving the
riddle of who ruled Teotihuacan, also home to the smaller
Pyramid of the Moon and a huge temple to a fierce serpent god. 

Housing 150,000 people at its apogee, the city's influence reached hundreds of miles to
modern day Guatemala but no one knows its true name or who its founders were. 

The name Teotihuacan (The Place Where Men Become Gods) was given by awed Aztecs
who inhabited the area 700 years after the city was abandoned around 600 AD. The
Aztecs were stunned by the monumental buildings and precise city planning. 

A Nobel prize winning scientist, Luis Alvarez of the University of California, Berkeley, used
muon technology in a scan of the Khephren pyramid in Egypt in the 1960s. 

"Alvarez proved there were no hidden chambers in that pyramid and it is now in scientific
literature," said Menchaca, dressed in a hard hat in a cave directly under the Pyramid of
the Sun. 

His team built the muon detector at a cost of $500,000 in the Mexican university's labs and
plan to install it in the coming months in the cave below the 206-feet (63-meter) high

Used for religious ceremonies several thousand years ago, the dark, humid cave is linked
to the outside by a narrow tunnel passable only by one person at a time. 

A prototype detector set up in the cave has already found the first muons in the pyramid
overhead. The physicists hope to detect around 100 million of the particles in a year of
tests after the gadget proper is set up in a few months' time. 


Muon technology could also be used by U.S. border agents in the war on terror, says the
Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. 

"It's very credible. We have developed a muon detector system that can be used for
national security to detect nasty things in containers and trailers that we don't want to
enter the country," laboratory spokesman Kevin Roark said. 

Muons, born when energy particles from space collide with the Earth's troposphere,
constantly bombard us but are harmless and almost unnoticeable. 

 When they pass by a detector, muons ionize gas trapped between two plates which in
 turn causes an electric current that can be measured. 

The method is more accurate, cheaper, and more versatile than X-rays but has only been
developed in recent decades due to advances in sub-atomic physics. 

At Teotihuacan, archeologists hope the muon detector will be able to show whether the
pyramid, as well as being the city's state temple, is the last resting place for a king, or
perhaps several. 

Archeologist Linda Manzanilla, Mexico's leading expert on the site, reckons the city in
its early days may have been run by a coalition of four rulers, and not a single king like
the Maya or Aztec civilizations in ancient Mexico. 

"It is likely that those who started the four-way system, the first four, are the ones who
would be inside the Pyramid of the Sun," she said. 

The number four is a constant theme in the city, split into four different residential zones.
A vessel from Teotihuacan found elsewhere shows four figures who appear to be
co-rulers around a god of thunder, Teotihuacan's state deity. 

"Teotihuacan is up there with Rome, one of the biggest pre-industrial cities in the world.
Constantinople is also maybe there but no Chinese city was of this magnitude. Egypt
didn't even have cities," Manzanilla said. 

The Pyramid of the Sun was probably a fertility symbol built around 80 AD and shaped
like a mountain to counteract the evil influence of two nearby volcanoes known to have
gone through unusually violent eruptions at the time. 

Nobody knows what ethnic roots the city's inhabitants had or what language they spoke
as they left no written records. 

"I wish they would invent a time tunnel and we can hear them speak. What ethnic group
did they represent?" said Manzanilla. 

Mar 16, 2004

As posted on the Story forum some time ago (3/7/03) poena.dare (aka Matthew Lewis Carroll Smith) writes:

Sleeping God of the Yucatan Photographed
Posted By: poena.dare #CP# >BS< <mstory@mlcsmith.removethis.com>
Date: 3/7/03 3:58 p.m.

A high-resolution map from NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), released
yesterday, has provided the most telling visible evidence to date of a 112-mile (180-kilometer)
wide, 3,000-foot (900-meter) deep impact crater, the result of a collision with a giant comet or
asteroid on one of Earth's all-time worst days.


"Dinosaur-Killer" Asteroid Crater Imaged for First Time

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission

Now that I look at it... they should have inserted the Special Forces team by boat.

The Tru7h

Feb 8, 2004

Daniel <cristofd@hevanet.com> writes:

About Greg's comment "I was wondering why you weren't around when I showed up": there are several apparent inconsistencies in the conception of death in the game and this line seems to be one of them: it strongly suggests a concept of the afterlife as a kind of "place", so that Greg saw Steven, Jason, etc. when he arrived there, but not your character because he wasn't in fact dead yet; which surprised Greg because your character had been left for dead in the jungle some time before.

The inconsistency is that everybody else in the game appears to have only 1. information that they got when they were alive, and 2. information about stuff visible from the location of their bodies. If there were an afterlife where people could see each other, all seven of your team members should know that you're the only one left (and should say things like "Greg showed up a while after I did"). Also, all the more lucid Nazis should know that Muller died, Juan should know that Javier and Carlos lived through the green slime incident but died somewhat later, and so on. Instead, nobody but Greg seems to know anything but what they've been able to see (alive or dead) and deduce. This suggests that people are more or less trapped in the location of their bodies after death. The various comments about how horrible it is to be dead in this place, and Walter's comments about the gold etc., seem to indicate the same thing.

Was Greg special?

Feb 4, 2004

Daniel <cristofd@hevanet.com> provides some clarification about the level name "Please Excuse Our Dust". See the What's in a Name section.