Evil Undead Phantasms Must Die!
The Pyramid, Elevation: 11.3m

General comments:

Going back down? Why not take the express elevator to...Lock&Load.

Conversations with the Dead:

You can talk to Claude again if you want to. You'll find him here. Perhaps he'll reveal more this time?

Items to find:

Naught. You picked everything up remember? Or did you?

Points to note:

Trudge... trudge... trudge... maybe you should have taken the Express Elevator

Monsters to kill:

A few Headless and Zombies. Yeah they regenerate. Maybe you'll be unlucky and meet another... Phantasm. ;-)

Decisions to make:

You see a ladder going up. Descending to ... But They're Hungry (left way).
You see a ladder going up. Descending to ... But They're Hungry (right way).